VPG Micro-Measurements

VPG Micro-Measurements

VPG Micro-Measurements has developed, manufactured, and marketed strain gages, instruments, and accessories for high-precision strain and stress management since 1962. VPG Micro-Measurements selection of strain gages includes open-face general-purpose gages, its revolutionary CEA gages, temperature sensors, crack propagation gages, weldable gages, hybrid sensors, and more. Accessories for the installation of its electrical resistance strain gages range from surface preparation materials, solder, adhesives, and tools to final environmental coatings. Formulated in-house by VPG Micro-Measurements, its coatings and bonding adhesives are recognized throughout the industry for their performance and batch-to-batch consistency. +More Vital to successful strain analysis, VPG Micro-Measurements line of available instruments ranges from portable, digital strain indicators to sophisticated computer-controlled systems for the acquisition, storage, and reduction of test data. Both static and dynamically measuring instruments are designed to provide accurate, reliable, and stable strain measurement. VPG Micro-Measurements reflection polariscopes, photoelastic coating materials, and application kits assure the potential of the photoelastic technique is realized. Applications for VPG Micro-Measurements products include automotive, agricultural equipment, aircraft/aerospace, engines, pressure vessels, shipbuilding, bridges, appliances, office equipment, medical devices, building and construction, force transducers, load cells, and many more. -Less